Search Engine Optimization – SEO in top 10

Developing a website is one thing and make it noticeable across the globe is another thing. That’s where the Search Engine Optimization(SEO) comes into existence. The main task of SEO is to make your website noticed on the web so that it appears frequently on the search engines. 85% of the website traffic comes through Search engine like,,, etc.

At Charm It Solutions, we follow unique process to get your website listed in 15,000+ search engine, yellow pages and web directories, including :-


  • Google Top Rank Service
  • Google TOP 10 Searching
  • Yahoo, MSN Submission
  • 200 other small Search Engine Submission
  • Google, Yahoo, MSN website submission
  • Website Linking on Ranked Website
  • Google Image Searching
  • Keywords Searching

We focus on building links and strengthening your site’s search potential by implementing robust and unique strategies and tactics as per the Google guidelines. Providing guaranteed improvisation in website traffic and increasing the count of sales – is our only commitment to our prospective clients.

Our SEO team specializes in both current and forward looking –though we operate in the current scenario, but we always keep ourselves aware of the emerging SEO trends to ensure that the robust foundation we build for your website today will provide you benefit in the future too.